What are your talents? What are you pretty good at? What do you love to do? If you answered “nothing” to these questions, I know you’re lying. Everyone has some kind of talent. Are you good at cooking? No? Then are you good at coming up with meal plans? Are you good at matching clothes and looking fabulous when you leave the house? Can you sing? Can you dance? Do you get comments on your makeup? Do people love the pictures you take (and do you take pictures of things other than selfies)? Are you good at sports? Do you get good grades? Do you have a happy attitude?
Talent isn’t just something that you do in the Miss America pageant or the junior high talent show. Talent is something that people look to you for, comment on, or that you’re just proud of even if no one says a word. Because honestly it doesn’t matter what other people think. If you think it is your talent, then it is. When you think that way, you work on developing it. You learn more, you teach more, you just do more with that talent.
When you have a talent, what you do with it is important. You have a talent because you were meant to share it. There is always someone who can benefit from your talent. Just think about your talent and who would benefit most from it and then think about how you can share it with them. My talent is proofreading. I share it by my Proof That blog (proofthatblog.com) where I share Grammar Giggles and point out why it’s wrong and write articles to teach correct grammar skills. I’ve seen people who are really good at makeup post on YouTube to teach their technique to others. You could do the same with cooking. Facebook is full of recipes and videos with new recipes. I’ve actually made some of them and they are delicious and easy, so if that is your talent, send those to me!
You might be surprised at how many people will appreciate your talent once you share it. Just saying I have a proofreading blog sounds really boring to most people (and several have even said so), but those who read it regularly spend their time letting me know they appreciate it, so that makes it all worth it.
So what is your talent? And how will you share it? All that matters is that you do, so go out there and impress the heck out of them!