Have you ever been in a situation where something was going on (legally) but you didn’t take advantage of it because you were afraid? I have. Many times. Now that I’m older, I ask myself one question–“Will I regret not doing it?” The answer to that question makes all the difference.
I can “should have” myself for all the things that, looking back, I SHOULD have done but didn’t. But that doesn’t do any good for anyone. Time has passed, I didn’t do it, and I lived through it.
But there were times where I answered my question with a resounding “YES” and did things that scared me. I have gone parasailing, gone ziplining, given presentations, wrote blogs, and done other things that scared me. Do I regret any of that? NO WAY!
Regret itself is a wasted emotion. Either make the decision to do something that scares you or don’t. It’s your decision, you’ve made it, you should own up to it and learn from it. Just try it. If you think you might be sad when you don’t do something, for goodness’ sake, DO IT! If it still scares you and you don’t do it, try to figure out why and work on that so you will be ready to do it the next time.
Nike has it right–JUST DO IT! Don’t regret it, don’t delay it, don’t overthink it. Just do it.