Let Others Help You!

This isToday’s post is more of a “do what I say and not what I do” topic. Here’s a news flash: You can’t do it all! Whether it has to do with your job, your home, your car, or any other part of your life, you can’t physically, mentally, or emotionally handle every single task that needs to be done in every area of your life.

I might be able to figure out how to change the oil in my car, but that would require many hours of training, getting dirty, and going into an auto supply store to get supplies. I would MUCH rather pay someone who does that for a living and already has the knowledge, supplies, and tools to get it done in a ridiculously shorter amount of time that I could. My time is valuable too and I would so much rather spend it doing something other than working on my car. It is not my strength nor my passion, but it could be both for someone I’m swiping my card for.

I am currently seriously considering getting someone to do the deep cleaning in my house. I am far too busy with my crazy life and I don’t enjoy it. It is not fun for me and it makes me grumpy and that really isn’t worth it when I can rearrange finances to find money for that. I’ve worked hard for a long time to be able to do that. It’s just smarter for me to spend my time doing other things that make a difference for my family (and make me far less grumpy) than mopping floors and cleaning doggie noseprints off of every window in my house.

I obviously don’t have enough money to pay someone to do every single job that I dislike, but I can pick those that make the most sense and start there. And so can you. If you can’t afford someone to do the task you hate the most, can you trade with someone? There is probably someone you know who loves to do what you don’t and they may hate doing something you love to do. Back in the old days (even before me), bartering was part of everyone’s financial system. There isn’t anything that says you can’t continue that tradition.

Be creative! Figure out ways to let others help you do things that need to be done that you don’t have the energy, time, or desire to handle yourself. You deserve it and you need it to preserve your sanity. Even if you can only get someone once in a while, it will be helpful to you. And that makes it so worth it!