I know when my kids were little, one of the first things they learned was saying “please” and “thank you.” As they grew, they learned other normal manners. Holding doors, calling adults Mr. or Mrs. until instructed otherwise, not taking the last of something–the usual.
Every day as I am out in public, I wonder where the manners are. Just today, I had a young man barge onto an elevator before me and not hold the door or the button. I’ve had women go out the door ahead of me and let go. I rarely hear anyone say thank you.
That is an amazingly powerful two words. But don’t say it just to say it. Look the person you want to thank in the eye and say “Thank you.” Whether to your barista, the person delivering your food or refilling your drink glass, the person actually cooking your food when you pick it up, or anyone who helps or does something for you. Yes, they are doing their job, but they are doing it FOR YOU! You can afford the two seconds it might take you to say “Thank you.”
Appreciation is one of the best motivators there is. People want to be recognized for doing a good job. Tell them when they are. It doesn’t hurt you or lower you in any way, but you could make someone’s day with that one small act. Don’t let it become rote, but help someone feel like they did their job well today.
It doesn’t take much, but manners are really important. It shows someone that they matter to you. Otherwise, it appears that it’s all about you–and in real life, it is not!